No sooner did CM N. Biren Singh say that drafting regarding the legalization of liquor in the state would complete in no time than the government released the draft of the Manipur Liquor Regulation Policy this evening itself.
The Draft of the Manipur Liquor Regulation Policy mainly emphasizes on eradication of illicit Liquor and restriction of the availability of local liquor as well as IMFL(Indian Made Foreign Liquor)/ FMFL (Foreign Made Foreign Liquor). It also focuses on reducing the impact of illicit and adulterated liquor on health and reducing the demand for intoxicating drinks.
The aims and objectives of the Manipur Liquor Regulation Policy are to work towards:
(a) Eradication of distillation, transportation, possession, consumption, and sale of illicit liquor:
(i) Prohibit any manufacture and sale of local brew/ country liquor inside Manipur without FSSAI certification i.e. safety standards.
(ii) Support the manufacture of local brew/ country liquor with FSSAI certification mainly for sale outside Manipur.
(iii) Provide technical and other support for producing quality local products.
(iv) Support the marketing and export of the local brew/ country liquor outside Manipur
(v) Encourage the manufacture of local brew/ country liquor through cooperative societies.
(b) Restricting the availability of local liquor as well as IMFL:
(i) No sale of IMFL/FMFL/Country liquor except at the outlets licensed by the Government and managed by a Government agency/ license holder.
(ii) License for sale/serving of IMFL/ FMFL/ Country liquor at specified hotels and tourist spots having minimum facility (at least 20 rooms) and hygienic conditions.
(iii) No Liquor will be sold or served to individuals/ persons below 25 years of age.
(iv) Minimum distance (about 100 m) from National Highways, Hospitals, Educational Institutions, and Places of worship will be ensured.
(v) ‘Dry days’ at least once a week and on national/ state holidays/ any day fixed by the Government will be implemented.
(c) Reducing the impact of illicit and adulterated liquor on health:
(i) Ensuring safety standards through FSSAI certification and scientific method of manufacture.
(ii) Putting in place a strong enforcement mechanism with enhanced revenues – Police and Excise Department.
(d) Reducing the demand for intoxicating drinks and their effect on health:
(i) Promote awareness among the people about the harmful effects of liquor and intoxicating drinks through IEC (Information Education and Communication) activities
(ii) Support to organizations working toward such public awareness
(iii) Establishment of rehabilitation centres
(e) Generating employment:
(i) Manufacture of beer and wine from locally available fruits and materials, mainly for export outside Manipur.
(ii) Manufacture of local brew/ country liquor mainly for export outside Manipur.
(iii) Apply for GI tag to promote local products outside the state
(f) Generating revenue of the state:
(i) Revenue from the sale of local brews outside the state.
(ii) Revenue from excise duties from IMFL/FMFL/ Country liquor.
(iii) A certain percentage of revenue generated (say about 10 – 20 %) can be set apart for ‘employment generation’ schemes and projects for women and youth in the
(g) Address the problem of the black market in liquor on account of prohibition.
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