UFO Celebrates Its 27th Rising Day at Yairipok Chingtha Lai Haraobung

HY News 02 May, 2023 04:48 pm IST

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Universal Friendship Organisation (UFO) hoisted Its “Iningthou Pakhangba Imprinted Flag” to celebrate its 27th Rising Day on Monday at Yairipok Chingtha Lai Haraobung.

MLA Th. Shyamkumar Singh of Andro AC and retired Joint Director Dr. Maibam Rajendro Singh of the Veterinary Department graced the rising day celebration organized by Universal Friendship Organization, Eastern Head Quater No. III as the Chief Guest and the President. While editor Hemantakumar Ningombam of Sanaleibak, President Asem Ibetombi Devi of Apunba Nupi Khunai Lamjing Meira Lup, Yairipok, Member Kongbam Inaocha Devi of Tulihal Zilla Parishad, Ex-Pradhan Yumnam Tomba Singh of Top Chingtha GP, and Ex-Pradhan Thiyam Manihal Singh of Angtha GP attended the celebration as the special guests.

Speaking on the occasion, MLA Thounaojam Shyamkumar Singh said individuals who don’t understand and devalue their culture and tradition seldom love their motherland. He also said that only when you love, respect, and value your own culture, you can value and regard others’ religion.

Further, the MLA said that the way how we worship our “Leimaren Ema Sidabi, Lainingthou Sanamahi,   and Iningthou Pakhangba” is a pure indication that Manipur had its own kingdom inspite of its small size. He also proudly stated that Meiteis are the progenies of the brave forefathers who fought against the mighty Britishers. And we must inherit the same courage and integrity that our forefathers had, added the MLA.

The MLA also spoke on the importance of education in changing a state or society and announced later on that he would soon establish Thambalnu Kid Day Boarding School and avail free schooling for every two years old kids.

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